• New paper on ML out

    Last paper of 2024 paper from the lab by Josef & Xin, in Infection, Genetics and Evolution: Revisiting adaptive introgression at the HLA genes in Lithuanian genomes with machine learning

  • Museum screening paper published

    We screened more than 200 great ape specimens from museums for DNA viruses, and found even high-coverage virus genomes there. Tremendous work led by Michelle, and together with many others!

    Here is the paper.

    Orangutan skull
  • Bonobo paper out!
    The bonobo Tupac from Kokolopori
(C) Martin Surbeck, Kokolopori Bonobo Research Project

    The paper on bonobo population structure is finally out in Current Biology! Congrats to Sojung, Aida, Cesare, and all collaborators!

    Here is a summary on our results in German.

    Here we are out for celebrating:

    Group in a restaurant
  • PhD defense of Harvi
    Harvi presenting

    In Barcelona today (26th Sep 2024) for the PhD defense of Harvi Pawar – a great presentation on gorilla genomics, and a well-deserved highest grade. Congratulations, Harvi!

  • Reconstructing the human past
    Photo of 5 people.

    Just going back from the very nice EMBO/EMBL conference on the human past in Heidelberg!
    Great talks by PhD students Ina and Michelle, many interesting talks & posters, and a fun party.
    Also from the department – Katerina & Susanna.

  • SMBE 2024 in Mexico!

    Hola from a successful SMBE conference in tropical Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!

    An oral presentation on RNA viruses in great apes by Sojung, posters by Aigerim, Michelle and Martin, and lots of fun during the conference.

    Photo of people.
  • AABA/ProbGen/Yun Song visit

    Busy weeks for the team: Aigerim presented her work on Eurasians at the AABA in Los Angeles, Xin presented his teaching at the ProbGen conference here in Vienna. The ProbGen was a nice opportunity to meet people again.

    Also, Yun Song visited our lab after the conference, which we very much appreciated. Discussing our work with great scientists is a always a pleasure.

  • Monkeypox paper out!

    Our paper on Monkeypox in museum specimens is out! Orangutan skulls from the natural history museum König in Bonn turned out to belong to individuals that died during a Zoo outbreak in Rotterdam in 1965. After decades, we recovered Monkeypox genomes at high coverage.

    Here we are enjoying group lunch for paper acceptance!

    People in a restaurant
  • Jenny Tung visited

    As part of the HEAS lectures, we had Jenny Tung, director of the primatology department at MPI-EVA Leipzig visiting us! Very happy to meet such great scientists!

    People in a restaurant
  • Visit Chiara Barbieri

    Chiara Barbieri vom University of Cagliari visited as part of the HEAS Ancient Genomics series, and we were happy to have the opportunity for some nice discussions!

    People in a restaurant.
  • Visit by Ainash Childebayeva
    Scientists in a restaurant

    We were very happy to have Ainash Childebayeva from the MPI-EVA & Uni Kansas visiting, with a great presentation for the HEAS genomics lectures, being part of the thesis committee of Aigerim, and nice discussions about Central Eurasia and beyond.

  • ESPRIT grant to Sojung
    Group members in a restaurant

    Congratulations to Sojung for the FWF ESPRIT grant to work on great ape museomics! Celebrated at a Korean Restaurant today.

  • Deep Learning in PopGen review

    We just published a review article in Nature Reviews Genetics: Everything you ever wanted to know about deep learning, its application to population genetic inference, and the potential of this field! Led by Xin Huang, in collaboration with Oscar Lao.

  • Gorilla ghost admixture out

    Finally, the Gorilla ghost admixture study is out in Nature Ecology & Evolution!

    Gorilla mother and infant
    © Mike Cranfield (Gorilla doctors)
  • SMBE 2023

    Great conference in Ferrara, learning a lot, meeting many people, and presenting the work of our group with several posters (in presence & online).

    Aigerim and Martin in Ferrara
  • Ghost admixture @SMBE presented by Harvi

    Harvinder Pawar presented the gorilla ghost admixture project at the SMBE2023 conference in Ferrara, Italy! Congrats again to winning the Graduate Student Excellence Award!

    Harvi presenting her work
  • Massive primate genomes

    Several studies on primate genomic variation have now been published in the journal Science, with some contribution from the PI. High-quality genomes from 233 primate species will help us understand evolution and help conservation. Their variation is useful to predict the impact of mutations in humans. And we get a better insight into the history of baboons specifically.

    An interesting aspect is that many recent genetic changes in humans turn out not to be unique to us, but shared with other species. Genetic changes that might make us human seem to be more rare.

    The publications can be found here:

    Kuderna, L.F.K et al., ‘A global catalog of whole-genome diversity from 233 primate species’ Science, 2023. DOI:10.1126/science.abn7829

    Sorensen, E, et al., ‘Genome-wide coancestry reveals details of ancient and recent male-driven reticulation in baboons’ Science, 2023. DOI: 10.1126/science.abn8153

    Gao, H, et al., ‘The landscape of tolerated genetic variation in humans and primates’ Science, 2023. DOI: 10.1126/science.abn8197

    Press release of UniVienna

    Announcement via HEAS

  • Spring 2023

    A few things happened over the past few months:

    • I gave a talk at the PopGen Vienna seminars on 2nd of May, and visited the University of Zürich for the Anthropological seminar series on 27th of March
    • At the Münster Evolution Meeting in mid-March I also had the opportunity to present the work of our group and the newest results on ghost admixture in eastern gorillas
    • The FWF 1000 ideas project got started, with Sojung as postdoctoral researcher
    • Michelle very successfully defended her master’s thesis last Friday (photo above from celebrating it yesterday), and we are preparing a paper – stay tuned!
  • Lecture at NHM

    Yesterday, I gave a lecture at the NHM in Vienna – in German – on why Evolutionary Genetics is important and admixture is interesting…

  • Postdoc position OPEN again!

    Postdoc position (18 months) for an FWF-funded project (1000 Ideas Programme) on viruses in historical great ape samples.
    Apply here!