We support applications to the MCSA postdoctoral fellow programme, searching for motivated candidates with project ideas related to our research interests. Just get in touch for working on the following topics:
- evolutionary genetic history of great apes
- history of human populations reconstructed from ancient & modern genomes
- evolutionary epigenomics of humans and primates
- Machine Learning approaches to population genetics
- pathogen evolution in great apes
More information on implementation and additional support here: https://forschungsservice.univie.ac.at/foerdermoeglichkeiten/msca-pf/
The University of Vienna is an equal-opportunity employer, supports applications from underrepresented groups and minorities and offers generous support for a 3rd year of employment to the 10 top-ranked MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowships (top 5 female and top 5 male) awarded to the University.